Thursday, September 8, 2011

Natural Skin Care for your health!

!±8± Natural Skin Care for your health!

Natural Skin Care is more than what we put on our skin, is what we put in our bodies.

The skin is a reflection of our inner health. Depression, stress and lifestyle play a role in how successful we are in the care of our skin.

Natural skin care can begin each morning (before shower) with a dry brush exfoliation. I hear the groans already. Hey improved, these lymph and blood circulation while removing dead skin cells and allows it to detoxify the skin. The skinis our largest organ, detoxification needs. So, why not help? Use a soft brush and a light natural pressure in a small circular motion moving up the start of the body at your feet (for those of us who can get our feet). This calms the nervous system.

The total skin care natural process our food. Good skin is the mirror image of the digestive system. Skin diseases like acne, rosacea and psoriasis may be able to constipation and other gastrointestinal stem cellsConditions.

The natural skin care needs 8-10 glasses of water a day are included. Good natural skin care is also good decisions about what we eat. Replace the bags of crisps and snacks with snacks rich in fiber such as nuts, seeds, nuts, dates and figs. The old adage "An apple a day" is still valid! Apples are excellent sources of natural fibers and to maximize your fiber intake Add the cauliflower, too. Try ground flax seeds sprinkled over your favoriteMuesli, yoghurt and fruit salad. Fill the healthy things to go the next time in the shop. Then, when the desire to eat (which in the eyes) strikes, you're ready.

For the skin vibrant and the best results from natural skin care, stay away from processed sugar. Excess sugar is a major cause of premature skin aging. Start by cutting out sugar in coffee or tea. Natural flavor stevia is an excellent substitute for sugar. Instead this morning muffin, have a high fiber contentNatural whole grain bread instead.

We hear so many restrictions - but here is a major DO for a good, natural skin care, eating good fats. Butter and cheese natural (unprocessed) are perfect examples. This is particularly important for dry skin and eczema. If you are not sure how dry the skin is to check the backs of the poor. Those with a deficiency of fatty notice small bumps on the backs of the poor.

Natural Skin Care Facial

There are three simple steps each morning andNight of the good, healthy skin:

Clean, refreshing and moisturizing

1 Cleanse - Use a gentle cleansing bar with natural ingredients for oily and combination skin. For dry skin with a mild cream or lotion.

2 Tone - prepared with fresh ingredients from the kitchen. This homemade toner remains fresh in the refrigerator up to one week

(1 teaspoon dried rosemary, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, 1 bay leaf 1 cup white wine)
Cook gently for 10 recipeMinutes. Cool for 1 hour. Drain and discard the spices.
* Dip a cotton ball and gently up from the neck area on the front in light strokes. * Cosmetic pads are less than cotton gauze.

3 Wet - Look for a cream that DMAE (dimetheyaminoethanol) has. It 'a natural anti-inflammatory and protects the skin from irritation. Another component is looking alphalipoic acid. It provides a healthy glow while tightening pores and reducing fine lines. AAnother important ingredient is vitamin C with Ester. Ester is a fat soluble vitamin C and allows the skin to levels ten times higher than that without him to penetrate.

Special note on moisturizers: Always soft long smooth strokes, starting at the neck. Avoid the eye area. Use a special eye cream developed for this sensitive area. When the application of eye cream, use the "ring finger" because it uses the minimum of pressure. Eye cream gently in the direction of"Infinity" symbol.

Good natural skin care begins and ends each day with one of your most important natural resources, your smile. Give it to a regular job. They confuse the wrinkles.

Well, it's certainly enough to think about it. Now it's up to us to act. Small steps. Try different things. But every day and make the commitment to take for themselves and preserve your precious skin.

Natural Skin Care for your health!

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